Okra: 5 benefits you didn’t know about

Okra: 5 benefits
Soothes inflammation in GI tract and Lungs
Binds with and removes cholesterol
Treats diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain
Okra Benefit #1: High Protein content
This veggie provides a whopping 1.9 grams of protein per cup! Though it may not seem like much, lets put it into perspective:
For every 100g (1 cup) of okra, you are consuming 4% protein at only 33 calories per serving.
You’re basically getting some muscle-building protein that doesn’t add many calories to your diet!

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published a study in 1975 that demonstrated okra seeds are protein rich. A citation included data where scientists were able to produce 13.56% crude protein from oil extracted from okra seeds.
In regions where food is scarce, the seeds can offer a source of high quality protein.
Sources: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/311977 http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/protein-in-okra.php
Okra Benefit #2: Soothes inflammation
Numerous scientific experiments have been conducted to study okra’s anti-inflammatory properties.
Familiar with gastritis? I sure am.
The bacteria that causes the infection are found in the stomach mucosa are called H. pylori. One particular study found that okra juice provided an excellent defense against this bacteria.
A crude polysaccharide (RPS) isolated from the fresh juice by ethanolic precipitation showed strong inhibitory effects.
After heat denaturation of the fresh juice or protein precipitation with 5% TCA the anti-adhesive activity of the fresh extract was reduced, indicating that besides polysaccharides, protein fractions also exhibited anti-adhesive properties.
Let me break down some of the mumbo- jumbo for you.
Remember I told you not to worry about the high carb content? RPS is a polysaccharide-which is… yes, a complex carbohydrate.
So what this lovely starch did was inhibit the bacteria from adhering to the lining of the stomach. Something else that I found interesting was how proteins play a huge role in this anti-inflammatory response.
This study showed that the extract of okra peels contained the following properties:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesic
- Anti-nociception (Blocks pain stimuli felt in neurons)
What about lung inflammation?
From the point of view of traditional medical science, it is understandable that, okra is a cooling and cleansing food, affecting gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. It reduces fire (fever, inflammation, ulcer and sore) in digestive tract, mouth, throat and lung, thus it helps to prevent and reduce the risk of cancers in these organs.
Okra is a cooling food. It has effects to reduce heat, thus is good for summer heat treatment, reducing lung inflammation, and relieving sore throat.
The quote doesn’t only apply to Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you were practicing Ayurveda, this cooling property would be used to reduce pitta in the body.

Related reading: The Best Anti Inflammatory Diet and Foods for Autoimmune Diseases
Okra Benefit #3: Removes Cholesterol
Whoa. Something else to add to your health arsenal!
Harvard health names several foods that lower cholesterol. Okra was included in this short list- notably for its richness in soluble fiber.
In the GI tract, this fiber is used by the body to bind to cholesterol and is eliminated through digestion.
Oh and that slimy substance produced by okra? It’s called mucilage and it binds to cholesterol & toxins.

Okra Benefit #4: Clears skin
Okra is high in antioxidants (Vitamins A,C,&E), which have been known to reduce signs of aging caused by free radicals.
How exactly does okra help clear the skin?
Well we already know that it aids our digestive system AND binds to toxins, eliminating them from our bodies.
Less toxins + healthy GI = clear, dewy skin.

In the alternative health community, okra has been used to treat conditions such as psoriasis and pimples.
Lets get back to that slimy mucilage once again. Ever try an aloe vera gel mask?
By grinding down the okra and forming a paste, you’ve got yourself a simple DIY mask.
Here are a few recipes for you to try out
Related reading: Okra facial mask Moisturizing okra face pack for dry skin
Okra Benefit #5: Treats diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain
Let’s refer back to that quote regarding traditional medicine.
Okra is considered a ‘bitter’ food in TCM. Bitters are used to cool excess heat/ fire in the body. They also facilitates energy in a descending direction. This may explain how abdominal pain is relieved- it is simply flushed out of the body.
If you think about it, we already know that okra is efficient in helping out the GI tract. Skeptics, try to give TCM the benefit of the doubt. 😉
Most of the studies that were cited in this article mention a refreshing drink made to treat these heat-related ailments.
How is this cooling drink made?
Okra juice is usually made by soaking the okra in water
- Rinse 4 or 5 pieces of okra.
- Slice both ends off the “pods”, then cut the in half.
- Place the pods in a large mason jar, cover w/ water.
- Soak overnight, (8-24 hours).
- Squeeze the gel out of the pods into the water.
- Throw away pods and enjoy

Short, to the point explanation of TCM/ Ayurveda
Related reading: Heat and Dampness 3min read Cooling vs. Heating foods 1 min, visuals (yay for ADD)

Now that you know okra is ah-mazing would you care to give it a try?
This list will grow as I post new recipes!

This information you’ve provided for us is sensational! I had. O idea of all the benefits it has to offer, I’m amazed! Thank you very much for the entire article!!