Planoly Revamp
Planoly has undergone a makeover, yall!
How I was introduced to this app
Planoly was recommended to me a few years ago by the late Cici Gunn @thesixfigurechick
She used the new program to plan her IG posts out so she could focus on what was important to her- running her small biz.

After using the app for a few months, I did notice an increase in engagement from my audience. At the time I was blogging part time so most of my posts were sharing what I had written on this site.

The analytics really did help me out! I enjoyed how Planoly suggests the best times to post. This is based on your individual account. They have some magical wizards behind the scenes that find out and tell you when YOUR AUDIENCE is on Instagram.

When I took a sabbatical from writing back in 2021, I stopped using planoly.
New and improved
Flash forward to the present. I became more guided and aligned to continue blogging, writing more, & aligning my brand with the new and transformed Tex.

After taking some initiative to focus on what was next, I began to seek support to gain momentum & make things happen.
This required me to consider a social media management system that would work for me.
I’m a firm believer in working smarter, not harder. That was also something Cici liked to say.
Planoly has completely undergone a revamp- a huge makeover.
Previously, you could only post to IG (which still had some limitations) or pinterest.
Now they have added a whole social set which includes Twitter, YouTube, FB, LinkedIn, & TikTok.

If cross- promotion is important to you, I’d highly recommend giving this a try. The mobile workspace allows you to visually see your content and keep track of all your socials in one place. It’s also nice to be able to plan out/ brainstorm some ideas.

Planoly Pinterest planner features
This Planoly revamp came with a really neat feature- it now integrates with Canva. Which means you can import your pins directly from your account! I enjoy anything that saves me time. I’d suggest testing this out on a desktop. The mobile app still needs some tweaking. 🙂

You can still create campaigns. I never used this feature originally, but will have to try it out. Anything that will help streamline processes for me.

I’m also really enjoying the synchronicity because when I decided to sign up for the 7 day free trial, they had just launched their revamp 4 days before!
My trial is almost over but I’m definitely gonna take advantage of their 40% off code, which is good until 11/29/23.

If y’all feel like giving it a try here’s where to check them out:
Remember I only recommend products that I either use myself or have used in the past.
They will ask you for a card to place on file. Be sure to add the coupon code!
During the trial you WON’T get charged.