Introduction to the Solfeggio Frequencies
You may not have heard of the Solfeggio frequencies until now. I had no clue what the heck they were either.
A few years ago, I stumbled across these frequencies when searching for meditation music.
YouTube and Spotify have numerous playlists devoted to the Solfeggio Frequencies. There are tons of videos that are long enough to listen to while sleeping!
Imagine this: You have a day off after a long week at work. You clean the house and run all the errands. It’s time for some TLC and a nice nap.
Now imagine waking up feeling rested and in a great mood.
Curious to try it for yourself?

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Aldous Huxley
History & Background

These frequencies originated during the medieval musical period, or the middle ages. The method of tuning during that time was known as Just Intonation.
New methods of tuning music (our current tone is called Equal Temperament) were developed during the last 200 years. Sadly, the Solfeggio frequencies became lost in history.
That is until they were rediscovered in the 1970s.
Listen to the short video below and hear the difference in tuning for yourself.
The 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies
You’re probably familiar with our current scale : Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do.
The Solfeggio scale is very similar: Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La
Listen to each frequency and notice how you feel.
It is also completely normal to feel negative emotions. Take note of them and let them go on their way.
396 Hz Liberate Guilt and Fear
417 Hz Undoing Situations/ Facilitating Change
528 Hz Transformation and Miracles- DNA Repair
639 Hz Connecting Relationships
741 Hz Expression/ Solutions
852 HZ Returning to Spiritual Order
Interestingly enough, the math used to calculate each frequency was based on Pathagorean’s theorem.
Notice each frequency can be reduced to 3, 6, or 9
- 396 Hz → 3+9+6 = 18 | 1+8 = 9
- 417 Hz → 4+1+7 = 12 | 1+2 = 3
- 528 Hz → 5+2+8 = 15 | 1+5 = 6
- 639 Hz → 6+3+9 = 18 | 1+8 = 9
- 741 Hz → 7+4+1 = 12 | 1+2 = 3
- 852 Hz → 8+5+2 = 15 | 1+5 = 6
Solfeggio Frequencies & Connection to Chakras
Each frequency has a chakra that is associated with it. Take a look at this chart to learn more!

3 Additional Frequencies
These frequencies were calculated in the same manner as the original 6.
They are also associated with 3 other chakras: The Crown chakra, the Soul Star chakra, & the Earth Star chakra.
963 Hz Expanding Consciousness | Crown Chakra
174 Hz Pain Reduction | Soul Star Chakra
285 Hz Healing & Regeneration of Tissues |Earth Star Chakra
Solfeggio Frequencies & Science
All of this information does seem too good to be true.
You want to be certain that there are at least a few reputable sources out there to eliminate doubt and skepticism.
Anything termed ‘pseudoscience’ requires thorough researching- this is imperative! There are so many conflicting points of views that it can be overwhelming.
Read on to learn more about the science behind the solfeggio frequencies.
Scientific Studies
Frequencies of the Buddhist Meditative Chant – Om Mani Padme Hum
Effect of 528 Hz Music on the Endocrine System and Autonomic Nervous System
The Effect of Music on the Human Stress Response
Please note that these studies are all from scientific journals. They are not always the simplest to read but some are pretty straightforward. 🙂 Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions! I had to read and analyze sooo many papers when I was in school. For more on my background check out my about page.
Cymatics shows us how sound and vibration can create images.
Watch the following video for a fascinating overview:
Below is the cymatic representation of each original solfeggio frequency.

The video below illustrates “cymatic formations in a drop of water of the Solfeggio Tones discovered by Joseph Puleo”.
The power of your mind
In order for these frequencies to work for you- there must be a strong belief in place.
Like anything related to the mind- such as the law of attraction, positive energy is always required for the desired effect to occur.
It’s highly recommended that you try 1 frequency at a time and listen for short intervals, 5-10 minutes a day.
You may find that you are drawn to a certain frequency more than the others- this usually indicates a blockage of that particular chakra. Listen to your body and intuition.
Questions? Feel free to leave a comment below. All feedback is appreciated!