Feng Shui Like the Experts:
How to Simplify Basic Feng Shui Principles & Apply them in your home.
Feng shui is complex and intimidating.
But, is it really? Let’s learn how to feng shui like the experts.
You already know how to make a wealth bowl. As promised, here’s the behind the scenes glimpse into the world of feng shui and what drives this force in your home.
These principles may seem daunting at first glance but once the theories are broken down, you will be able to:
1- gain a better understanding
2- apply them in your life
While, there are many schools of feng shui, the concepts we will be discussing are based on Western Feng shui theories.
Yin/yang and the 5 elements represent processes rather than actual things.
Penelope Ode
We can also look at these processes as forms of energy. It is also crucial to know that these energies cannot function without their counterparts. Yin needs yang and the 5 elements need one another. Recall that these opposing energies require balance in order to be in harmony- or equilibrium.
Are you following me?
Awesome! Now that you understand, lets proceed to the good stuff.
Concepts: click to jump
Chi– energy that is in everything.
Yin/Yang– opposites that work in conjunction in order to achieve balance.
5 Elements– achieve harmony with 3 cycles: nourishing, controlling, & reducing.
Bagua– a map that shows you where the 8 blessings are in your home.
Chi is in everything so it is referred to as ‘ life force’, or energy. According to Tarah Collins, a Feng shui expert and founder of the Western school:
everything that lives with you holds certain memories, associations, and feelings in place.
All of the things in your home are interconnected so it is imperative to release what no longerserves you or brings you joy. Keeping unnecessary items leads to an excess of energy, which disrupts the chi.
Once you purge your possessions and home of negativity or clutter, then its time to organize what remains. This is when Feng shui comes into place.
How do you know what to throw out?
Collins clears the worry from your mind with these 7 questions.

Think of the messiest areas of your home.
Perhaps you immediately visualized your ‘junk’ drawer. Or maybe a jam-packed storage closet.
Possibly…gasp! An entire ROOM that you can barely walk around in.
We’re all guilty of harboring and stashing away things that we don’t need. Take it a tiny step at a time.
Ask yourself each question and clear the chi by getting rid of whatever doesn’t serve you.

Yin & Yang
What does your mind immediately jump to when you see this popular symbol?
You got it- let’s talk about balance. Each object in your home posses either Yin or Yang qualities.
Important: yin and yang will be different in every room.

Now that you have a better idea of what constitutes either yin or yang, take a look at this bedroom.When these opposing energy forces are in harmony, then you will feel a sense of comfort.

You can see the care that was taken to create symmetry:
Pillows are yin (dark & soft)
The comforter is both yin and yang (light & soft)
The side tables are yin (angular)
Curious to understand more? Read on for a detailed overview of the 5 elements.
The 5 Elements
The 5 elements can be complicated and irritating when trying to understand.
Take a deep breath and relax.
Now, recall the process of yin & yang: they work together as a team to bring harmony. The same is true for the elements- with the addition of 3 teammates.

Alright. Now that you have a vision of your ‘team’ you can build upon what you’ve already learned so far.
The bottom line when working with feng shui: stimulate chi, using yin/yang and the 5 elements to create balance.
The 3 relationships
The nourishing cycle
Each element ‘nourishes’ and feeds the next in a circular pattern.
The reductive cycle
Illustrates an inverse relationship to the nourishing cycle. Each element balances out its counterpart to ‘reduce’ or calm it.
The Controlling cycle
When there is a dominance of one element, this cycle is used to regulate or ‘control’ it.

Use the following guide to use the controlling cycle with ease.
When the dominating element is Wood:
Bring in the Controlling element of Metal,
Highlight with Earth and Fire,
Refine as needed with touches of Water.
When the dominant element is Fire:
Bring in the Controlling element of Water,
Highlight with Metal and Earth,
Refine as needed with touches of Wood.
When the dominant element is Earth:
Bring in the Controlling element of Wood,
Highlight with Metal and Water,
Refine as needed with touches of Fire.
When the dominant element is Metal:
Bring in the Controlling element of Fire,
Highlight with Water and Wood,
Refine as needed with touches of Earth.
When the dominant element is Water:
Bring in the Controlling element of Earth,
Highlight with Wood and Fire,
Refine as needed with touches of Metal.
Source: Tarah Collins, The Western Guide to Feng Shui

Let’s go back to this example.
If you notice, there are also elements present:
Metal and glass (water) side tables, placed on both sides of the bed- symmetrical so that each partner is regarded as equal.
The same goes for the identical lamps (fire).
To bring in the other 2 elements, you could place plants potted in ceramic planters to represent wood and earth.
The Bagua
When creating a wealth bowl, you use a bagua to figure out which area in your home is the wealth & prosperity sector. Then you enhance this room using the 5 elements.
The wealth & prosperity area is one of the 8 feng shui blessings displayed on the Bagua map. Scroll down for a simplified bagua map that incorporates yin/yang + the 5 elements into each region.

Use this same concept for the whole home by following these steps:
- First you must create a floor plan of your home
- Then draw out the 8 sectors using a ruler
- Look at the bagua map to see which element is associated with each sector
- Also note whether it is predominately yin or yang
- Use the infograph above to see which enhancements you can use

As stated previously, there are many schools of feng shui. Though, I have used the compass school version of the bagua as a reference in the past (check out my wealth bowl post, if you haven’t already).
It is much simpler to utilize the western school bagua, which focuses on the MAIN entrance of the home to find the directions NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, and CENTER.
After assessing the home as a whole, you can tackle each room individually [advanced]
What next?
That was a heap of information. Thank you for sticking with it 🙂
Now, let’s recap what you’ve learned:
- Chi- energy that flows in your home, is fluid, and is in everything
- Yin/Yin- the process of balance to create harmony
- Bagua- a map that uses the preceding concepts to give you a birds-eye view of the 8 sectors of your home
For now, relax and try these tips to get started in your home.
- Take a room/small area at a time
- Start with de-cluttering
- Make a list of yin/yang objects using the info in this post
- Bonus points if you note what element each item is
- Balance them out using the 3 relationships
Overwhelmed? I’ve got you covered. Stay tuned for detailed, actionable steps as I go room by room attempting to feng shui my home in the coming weeks.
With patience and practice- you will prevail and learn to feng shui like the experts.