Black Friday Sale 2023- Bundle deals & More
Crystal Bundle Deals This year, I intuitively curated these bundle deals. Check out my instagram to see more. Psychic Cleanse & Protect Sweet Dreams Self Care Moon Goddess Bundle Working hard on my new shop website- http://www.templeoftex.com This is where […]
Planoly Revamp
Planoly has undergone a makeover, yall! How I was introduced to this app Planoly was recommended to me a few years ago by the late Cici Gunn @thesixfigurechick She used the new program to plan her IG posts out so […]
Deflecting an argument
Deflecting an argument: Narcissist edition Hey y’all! I actually wrote this draft as I was actively avoiding confrontation. It was a neat & concise 1 page brainstorm that really brought forth some great ideas! Why deflecting an argument is important […]
Boundary- Setting
Boundary – setting : Empath edition Lemme paint ya a familiar picture. You’re minding your business and someone comes along. They notice you immediately, almost as if they’re physically drawn to you. Your senses perk up a bit, kinda like […]
How to protect yourself from the Evil Eye/ Mal de Ojo:
How to protect yourself from the Evil eye: Evil Eye/ Mal de ojo Numerous readers have contacted me, asking for help with their egg cleanses. If you’re new to my blog, please read What is the Evil Eye. You’ll also […]
Okra: 5 benefits you didn’t know about
Okra: 5 benefits High protein content Soothes inflammation in GI tract and Lungs Binds with and removes cholesterol Clears skin Treats diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain Okra Benefit #1: High Protein content This veggie provides a whopping 1.9 grams of […]
Stewed Okra w/ Tomatoes
Stewed okra.. sooo good. When you cook okra, it begins to release a gel-like juice (similar to cactus and aloe). By adding water and stewing, you can eliminate this gooeyness. Stewing : Ready in 20 minutes The key to tasty […]
Ayurveda & The Elements
Ayurveda: A holistic healing practice from India You have probably heard the term Ayurveda in recent years. This ancient form of healing has been around for at least 5 thousand years. It is an individual-based, personalized system that treats the underlying cause […]
Introduction to the Solfeggio Frequencies
You may not have heard of the Solfeggio frequencies until now. I had no clue what the heck they were either. A few years ago, I stumbled across these frequencies when searching for meditation music. YouTube and Spotify have numerous […]
Feng Shui Like the Experts:
How to Simplify Basic Feng Shui Principles & Apply them in your home. Feng shui is complex and intimidating. But, is it really? Let’s learn how to feng shui like the experts. You already know how to make a wealth bowl. […]