Hi ya’ll! I’m Nicole, founder of Tex.icole.com

Need tips on cooking? Unsure of which Tequila to drink? Wondering what the hell astrology is all about? Chakras and crystals?? Where the best of the best ___ (hole in the walls, mom and pops shops, ect ) in Texas are?

It’s all going to be covered in one convenient spot. I encourage all to join me as I research and find out answers to a variety of topics.

Deflecting an argument: Narcissist edition Hey y’all! I actually wrote this draft as I was actively avoiding confrontation. It was a neat & concise 1 page brainstorm that really brought forth some great ideas! Why deflecting an argument is important Peace of

Boundary - setting : Empath edition Lemme paint ya a familiar picture. You’re minding your business and someone comes along. They notice you immediately, almost as if they’re physically drawn to you. Your senses perk up a bit, kinda like when a cat

You may not have heard of the Solfeggio frequencies until now. I had no clue what the heck they were either.

A few years ago, I stumbled across these frequencies when searching for meditation music.

YouTube and Spotify have numerous playlists devoted to the Solfeggio Frequencies. There are tons of videos that are long enough to listen to while sleeping!

Imagine this: You have a day off after a long week at work. You clean the house and run all the errands. It's time for some TLC and a nice nap.

Now imagine waking up feeling rested and in a great mood.

Curious to try it for yourself?